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Artists: Pablo Reinoso

Pablo Reinoso studied architecture and began making sculpture with the traditional materials that sculptors had resorted to for centuries: wood, stone and metal.

In 1995 he started to experiment with materials closely associated with industrial design such as fabric, with the addition of one fundamental element, air, to produce what would become his trademark inflatable pieces.

This body of work was developed in three varieties, depending on the ways in which ventilators infuse the air into the sculptural form. The inflatable pillows, mattresses and furniture which Reinoso animates correspond to three basic typologies: 'breathing', persistent' and 'contracting' sculptures. The 'breathing' type emulates the rhythm and sound of the human breath by means of switching on and off the electric mechanisms that feed the fans. The work by Reinoso selected for this exhibition, La Parole, belongs to the 'persistent' type, as the air flow is constant, producing a stable volume.

The artist' interest in psychoanalysis, combined with these formal concerns, gave birth to a series of works in which he makes references to the staging of the traditional therapy setting in installations and video works. Freud and Lacan (Le Cabinet du Dr Lacan, 1998) are evoked by the staging of breathing armchairs and couches and are developed bringing into play synestesia and multi sensorial stimulation. Some of these installations include sound, movement and scent.

With his artworks, Reinoso has explored relational aesthetics for over ten years. In order to fully comprehend the works, which are geared to destabilise our perception of what is considered to be inanimate, we are invited to use our senses.

La Parole takes the shape of a zeppelin, a ship that lands in the space with grace and playfulness. The large fabric structure is constantly fed by two fans, and the orifices at the base of the sculpture permit the insertion of two people's heads inside. By introducing our heads in the holes, our bodies are perceived as headless from the outside and, at the same time, our heads float in the spatial limbo of the interior. La Parole explores the imprint of the human body in an unstable environment. Is an invitation to discover how form and body can merge in a wordless dialogue.


La Parole
1998 Fabric and electric fans 620 x 200 cm
The Embassy of the Argentine Republic +44 (0)207 318 1300/1304 2006