Leo Battistelli
(Rosario, 1972)
Studied Fine Arts at Universidad Nacional de Rosario, with specialisation in sculpture. Created the project Departamentos de Arte, an exhibition venue in Rosario, and participated in the opening of the Alliance Française contemporary art gallery in Rosario. He received several awards and scholarships such as: Fondo Nacional de las Artes in 2006, Proyecto Salva Selva en Misiones; ArteBA Petrobras Prize for Visual Arts in 2004, First Prize Fundación Klemm, Initiation Artist Award from the Asociación Argentina de Críticos de Arte in 2000, a scholarship for improvement from Fondo Nacional de las Artes and a scholarship for improvement in visual arts from the Under-Secretary of Culture of Santa Fe Province. He has been participating in solo and group exhibitions since 1993. Some of his latest exhibitions include: “Fusão”, Galería Antonio Berni, Argentine Consulate in Rio de Janeiro (2010), “Encontros”, Casa Cherman, Rio de Janeiro (2009); “Penumbra”, Limite Sud, Arteba, Buenos Aires (2008), “Sudestada”, Macro, Rosario (2006), and “11571”, Fundación Federico Klemm, Buenos Aires (2004). He also designs works in clay and has participated in group exhibitions such as “Design Carioca”, Centro Cultural dos Correios, Rio de Janeiro (2009), “Design Brasileiro Hoje, Fronteiras”, Museu de Arte Moderna de São Paulo (2008), and “Destination Buenos Aires”, MoMA, Museum of Modern Arts, New York (2007). He received the First Prize Salón La Capital for Contemporary Art at Museo Castagnino in Rosario. He lives and works in Rio de Janeiro.

Lucio’s Filaments 2004
Verbano porcelain at 1360º, perforations