Juan Andrés Videla
(Buenos Aires, 1958)
Studied at Escuela Nacional de Bellas Artes Prilidiano Pueyrredón, and at Pablo Bobbio’s art studio between 1974 and 1979. He was selected at the Salón Nacional de Pintura 2010. He took part in recent exhibitions such as “LIV Salón de Artes Plásticas, Manuel Belgrano”, Museo Sivori (2009); “Blanco y Negro”, Galería Empatía, Buenos Aires (2009); the second event of the prize awarded by Fundación Banco Central de Buenos Aires, Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes (2009), “Por que Pintura”, Fondo Nacional de las Artes (2007), ”Pampa, Ciudad y Suburbio”, Espacio Imago, Buenos Aires (2007), and held the solo exhibition “Quintana, El Jardín”, at Braga Menendez Gallery (2009). He received a mention at the Salón Nacional de Pintura, Palais de Glace, Buenos Aires (2009), the second prize at the Salón de Pintura de la Fundación Banco Nación in Buenos Aires (2008), and he was selected for the Trabucco Prize 2008. Abroad he has participated in the “Etase” Group Show, Espase Accattone, France, (2003), the residency at the Cill Riallaig Project, Ireland (2003), “Nature”, New Gallery, USA (2003), “Argentine Art in Turkey”, Turkey (2002), “Texas in New York”, Stefan Stux Gallery, USA (2002), Al-Asad Library, Syria (2002), VII Biennial of Cuenca Ecuador, Museo de Arte Moderno, Ecuador, (2001/2002), and 10th Triennale of India, Lalhit Kala Akademi, India, (2001). He lives and works in Buenos Aires. |

Retratos, de la Serie Enciclopedia (Portraits, from the Encyclopedia Series)
Oil on canvas-covered cardboard
24 x 30 cm